so meet this fun fam.

they let me boss them around and it was great. although from all the standing and sitting, i'm pretty sure i made everyone do a work out they never wanted to do. but they pressed through the pain.

um, hi cute girls.

oh there you are again, family. i'm making you walk now.

this top picture was supposed to be cheesy and then ended up being cute. go with it.
the bottom picture is what siblings to best.
and here are their parents.

do you heart them so much? oh my word. they are adorbs together.

back to working out.

stand. sit. stand. sit. hold letters.
yes, this family brought props. deal with it.
and i love this picture. this is the essence of having little girls, is it not?

and also, this also captures the essence of sisters.

sharing clothes in the future shall be a struggle.

i mean, how picturesque is that sweet child holding her mother's face. no one told her to do that..she just oozes sweetness.

and lastly, i heart silhouettes.
thanks for hanging out, you guys! take it easy the next couple of days after your strenuous union station work out.

Good job taking MORE pictures of people I already knew.